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Delivery and return

Upon payment for the goods, you can collect them in the manner most convenient for at our store or we will deliver by post.

If the goods are not in stock, they will be delivered within the time agreed with you individually. Orders from European manufacturers are usually delivered within 4-6 weeks.

We will deliver the light assemblies free of chargeif the total order amount is greater than EUR 180. Orders up to EUR 180 will be delivered for a specific fee throughout Lithuania via courier. We will deliver the lights in stock within 1-3 working days.


Upon shipment delivery, the buyer or the buyer’s representative, together with the transport company’s representative, must check the condition of the package, the quantity and quality of the goods.
If any consignment irregularity is detected in the packaging, or there is a discrepancy regarding the quantity, quality or composition, the buyer or the buyer’s representativemust not accept the consignment. In any such case, the transport company representative shall, together with the buyer or buyer’s representative, complete a specific consignment inspection certificate indicating the irregularities found.
After the buyer’s or the buyer representative’s acceptance of the consignment, and having signed by means of the data storage device provided by the transport company representative, or in the paper delivery confirmation docket without any observations, it shall be considered that the goods have been delivered in an undamaged consignment package; that the quantity, quality and composition comply with the terms of the purchase and sale contract; and, that the additional services are indicated in the data storage device or paper delivery confirmation have been duly completed, unless the contrary is shown.


